

Do a gardening . Gardening is a great hobby to take up; it gets you outside, burning calories, and produces rewarding results. Whether you’re looking to grow some delicious produce or beautiful flowers, these 9 tips and tricks for beginners will get you started off on the right foot! 1. Start Up Gardening .Don’t fret about finding a suitable plot in your backyard, simply start a container garden anywhere you’d like. Plus this way you can ensure the soil is fertile and easily prevent weeds! You’ll be more likely to follow through with your gardening if your container garden is near your back door or a window you use often. First start small, then work your way up to a bigger garden. 2. Solid Soil and Dependable Drainage .Make sure your container has good soil and drainage, which means plenty of compost! As Hometalk member The Black Thumb Gardener says, ‘a gardener with no compost is no gardener at all’. Composting is easy, just save your food waste, especially egg shells, coffee

Life Goals

List your life goals .  What is it you want to accomplish in life? Not just with work, but personally? If you’ve listed them before, it’s always good to update them. Then choose one of those goals to achieve this year. Now think about what you can do today to move closer to that goal, even if it’s just a small thing. Get the balls rolling. Do this every day — move yourself closer to that goal. There are four major steps to achieve your life goals: 1. Brainstorming your life goals ·          Think about everything in your life that is really important to you. ·          Think about the couple of things you’ve really been pondering lately or your biggest struggle in life. ·          There are plenty of areas of your life you can set life goals in: careers, family, friends, other relationships, schooling, spirituality, traveling, fun, charity, money, health, and many more. These are just some to get your brain churning. ·          Write down anything and everything that c


Educate yourself.  Education is the process of facilitating learning,or the acquisition of knowledge,skills,values,beliefs,and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research.   Education can take place in formal  or informal  settings and any experience  that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts may be considered educational. On Guam, this is called “edumacation” — it’s not a real word, but we like to play with English. Whatever you call it, you can improve your knowledge online in any area — whether that be work-related or not. Be your own college instructor. Wikipedia is a great place to start, but if you’re going to have a specialized knowledge in anything, branch out from there.Education is the process of facilitating learning,or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. Educational methods include storytelling, discussion, teaching, training, and directed research.


Go on a walk:   We  walk for exercise - the health benefits of which are plentiful - but leisurely strolls are rare in today's fast-paced society. Walking for no other purpose than to enjoy the walk is an excellent way to live in the moment. Since we're so used to viewing walking as a means to an end, here's a primer on how to enjoy both a good old-fashioned, Zen-like saunter and a moderate exercise walk. Strolling Keep a leisurely pace.  Imagine you're walking with an elderly person. Better yet, walk with an elderly person. It's good for both of you. Relax your posture.  Stick your chest out and throw your shoulders back, inhale deeply, and "relax" into that position as you exhale. Let your arms hang down freely and they'll sway as you walk. Your hips should sway from side to side as well, especially if you allow your body's weight to "sit" on one foot completely before you shift it to the other. Look up.  Don't jus


Do some Puzzles:   We forgot how awesome puzzles are. And they use a different part of our brain.   The 5 Benefits of Puzzles Solving. Enhanced memory Working out puzzles reinforces the existing connections between our brain cells and boosts the generation of new relationships, both of which greatly enhance our mental speed and thought process. It is also a verified fact that puzzles are beneficial for every age, seeing that the young possess highly malleable minds while adults and seniors are more vulnerable to recollection difficulties. Jigsaw puzzles are particularly useful for our short-term memories mainly because it needs a recollection of shapes and colors, plus an imagination of the bigger picture, in determining what pieces fit together. Accelerated ingenuity Great brain puzzles for adults will lead to the participants giving thought to issues in completely different approaches and although a notion might not be a problem’s solution, every thought that is

Improve Your Skills

Improve your skills . Along the same lines: choose a skill that needs sharpening, and challenge yourself to get better at it. Whether that’s computer programming, writing, working with Adobe in Design, or whatever. Perfect your skills — you can use it to further your career, get a new job, or become self-employed. Or just have the satisfaction of knowing you’re the best you can be at that skill. So the key is to make sure you use a method that follows the R.E.P.S. gauge: R: Reaching and Repeating E: Engagement P: Purposefulness S: Strong, Speedy Feedback Let's take a brief look at each. Reaching and Repeating :   Practice should require you to operate at the edge of your abilities. In short, you have to consistently reach and constantly repeat. Say you're leading a training session. Should you: 1. Call on one person, ask a question, and have him or her answer it, or 2. Pose the question first, and then randomly choose someone to answer (and maybe even tur

Pushups and Crunches

Do some pushups and crunches . If you’re bored, you might as well start getting in shape. You can do pushups and crunches right there on the floor next to your desk (or go outside if you’re worried about your coworkers seeing you). Or walk up some steps, or do squats and lunges without weights, or dips in your chair, or butt squeezes (that means squeeze your own butt, not your coworkers’). Push-Ups Push-ups win the triple crown: they work the chest, shoulders and arm muscles -- and as a bonus, even to some extent the abdominal muscles. Push-ups build the shoulders, broaden and flatten the pectoral muscles and accent the triceps -- the muscle at the back of the upper arm -- to add a nice bit of self-assurance to your profile. Like crunches, they're highly adaptable and you can vary your workout to include many push-up variations. For example, performing the push-up on a decline activates the shoulders more, while narrowing the width wakes up the triceps. Crunches T

Relaxing Yourself

Relax Your Mood: Science says that looking at colors can relax you. That's right, colors have an enormous impact on us, psychologically, emotionally and even physically. For instance, red shades tend to trigger your stress response, making you more anxious, while lighter shades calm you down . If you are feeling overly stressed, you can use color as a stress management tool. With that in mind, we have compiled a list of the most relaxing colors you should choose for a stress-free life. 1)BLUE This color stands true to its appearance. Peaceful, calm and gentle, blue has tremendous power to manage stress. It's a very soothing color that helps calm your mind, slow down your heart rate, lower your blood pressure and reduce anxiety. Blue is believed to have a cooling and astringent effect. When choosing the right shade of blue, it's best advised to go for a soft and neutral shade (e.g. bedroom wall) for a calming effect. 2) GREEN Green is a restful

Drink water

Drink more Water: Water  is a transparent and nearly colorless  chemical substance that is the main constituent of Earth's streams, lakes, and oceans, and the  fluids of most living organisms. Its chemical formula is  H 2 O , meaning that its  molecule contains one  oxygen and two hydrogen atoms that are connected by covalent bonds. Some benefits of drinking water are: 1. Increases Energy & Relieves Fatigue Since your brain is mostly water, drinking it helps you think, focus and concentrate better and be more alert. As an added bonus, your energy levels are also boosted! 2. Promotes Weight Loss Removes by-products of fat, reduces eating intake (by filling up your tummy if consumed prior to meals), reduces hunger (hello natural appetite suppressant!), raises your metabolism and has zero calories! 3. Flushes Out Toxins Gets rid of waste through sweat and urination which reduces the risk of kidney stones and UTI’s (urinary tract infections). 4. Improves Skin Compl